Jon Snow on Brexit protests: 'never seen so many white people' - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Public Domain Pictures)

Jon Snow, a host for the UK’s Channel 4 News, made an “unscripted” remark about protests in favor of Brexit last week. Specifically, Snow said it was “the most extraordinary day” and “I have never seen so many white people in one place, it’s an extraordinary story.”

According to the Guardian, those comments upset some viewers, which prompted Channel 4 to apologized for his “unscripted observation.” The Channel 4 statement read in full:

“This was an unscripted observation at the very end of a long week of fast-moving Brexit developments.

“Jon has covered major events such as this over a long career and this was a spontaneous comment reflecting his observation that, in a London demonstration of that size, ethnic minorities seemed to be significantly under-represented.

“We regret any offence caused by his comment.”

The BBC reported that 2,025 people complained to the UK broadcast regulator OfCom.

iMediaEthics has written to Channel 4.

Updated: 1:44 PM

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Jon Snow on Brexit protests: ‘never seen so many white people’

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