The original headline. (Credit: Daily Caller, via Talking Points Memo)
“Kill all the Jews?”
The Daily Caller headlined a blogpost this week “Kill All The Jews And When That Is Done Kill Those That Refused To Defend Them.”
After the site’s executive editor Vince Coglianese saw the headline, the Daily Caller changed it to read “‘They Came For The Jews, And I Didn’t Speak Up.’ It’s Happening Again.”
Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson claimed the insensitive headline was the fault of an editor, who he didn’t identify but suggested was “hungover,” Talking Points Memo reported.
“The headline didn’t match the story. It was obviously nothing more than a garbled attempt,” Carlson told Talking Points Memo. “It was inarticulate, it was idiotic.”
The article “definitely didn’t call for the death of Jews,” Mediaite noted, explaining it “argued that radical Islamic terrorist groups would attempt to kill Christians who didn’t step up to protect Jews.”
Carlson said he “oversaw the correction” for the headline.
“I assume the editor was hungover, but I don’t know,” Carlson commented, adding that the headline wasn’t written by the author of the article. He also claimed that the Daily Caller didn’t get any complaints over the headline.
“That headline was not written by the author of the piece, but by our editor, whom we have executed, ISIS-style, for his misdeed,” Carlson told Talking Points Memo.
The Feb. 17 post, by retired U.S. Army Major Gen. Jerry R. Curry, now contains a correction and apology.
The correction states: “Correction: The original headline on this op-ed was wildly inarticulate and perverted the meaning of the piece. We apologize.”
iMediaEthics has written to Daily Caller executive editor Coglianese asking for more information about this incident. We’ve also reached out to Curry, the author of the article, via LinkedIn for comment.