Kyrzbekistan is NOT a country, NYTimes corrects - iMediaEthics

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Better bone up on former Soviet bloc countries, New York Times.

The Times mistakenly reported that there is a country called Kyrzbekistan. But, there is no Kyrzbekistan. Just a Kyrgyzstan.

The error was made in a Jan. 7 sports article, “Abduction. Lost Finger. Now, a Rock Climber’s Tallest Hurdle.” The Times‘ Jan. 7 correction reads:

“An earlier version of this article misstated the name of the country whose army chased Tommy Caldwell’s kidnappers. As other references correctly noted, Caldwell was in Kyrgyzstan, not Kyrzbekistan, which does not exist.”

The reporter for the Times, John Branch, admirably immediately admitted his own error with a self-deprecating tweet about the mistake.



He also joked about the mistake in a later tweet about a parody account for the non-existant country.



See tweets about the Kyrzbekistan error below.

Hat Tip: Politico

UPDATED: 2/9/2015 10:54 AM EST

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Kyrzbekistan is NOT a country, NYTimes corrects

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