LA Times Criticizes Fox News for Bias

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The Los Angeles Times published an editorial Dec. 17 slamming Fox News for having “an unacceptable level of bias” after Media Matters published leaked memos about the network’s health care and climate coverage.  The editorial sharply criticized Fox News, stating:

“Fox should either come clean about this and crack down on such partisanship in its news ranks, or it should stop pretending to be an objective news source.”

Dismissing the health care memo (which StinkyJournalism wrote about here), the Los Angeles Times editorial called the leaked memo from Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon about climate coverage “quite a bit more troubling.”

The memo stated: “We should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, “such data aren’t in dispute among climate scientists.  The way the data are interpreted can vary,” however.

Read the complete Los Angeles Times editorial here.

Hat Tip: Editor & Publisher

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LA Times Criticizes Fox News Bias

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