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Did Chris Christie really fetch Donald Trump’s McDonald’s order?

Last year, the New Yorker reported. based on an anonymous "Republican" source, that Gov. Chris Christie had to fetch then-candidate Donald…

Sydney Smith

Charlie Rose suspended after 8 women accuse him of sexual misconduct

Charlie Rose is the latest journalist accused of sexual misconduct. Today, the Washington Post reported that eight women, five anonymously,…

Sydney Smith

New York Times suspends White House reporter Glenn Thrush after Vox report alleging sexual misconduct

The New York Times suspended White House correspondent Glenn Thrush after accusations of sexual misconduct, the Times itself reported. Vox's…

Sydney Smith

Mic, Slate & Others Paid George Takei for Facebook, Social Media Shares??

Actor George Takei may be best-known for his role in Star Trek, but in recent years, he has developed a…

Sydney Smith

Not Peaceful? Nigel Farage settles libel suit against anti-Fascist group Hope not Hate

Last December, on LBC radio, the former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage claimed the anti-Fascist activist group Hope not…

Sydney Smith

‘Plagiarism-Infested Sports Section’ discovered at California newspaper

The Mad River Union admitted to publishing numerous "wholescale copied and pasted" articles, resulting in a "plagiarism-infested sports section." In response,…

Sydney Smith

BBC and NPR duped by fake Twitter account for Zanu-PF?

Shortly after the military coup that arrested President Robert Mugabe apparently to remove him from office in Zimbabwe, both the…

Sydney Smith

‘Clock Boy’ Settles Lawsuit against Glenn Beck, The Blaze

Glenn Beck and the Blaze agreed to settle the libel lawsuit brought by the family of Ahmed Mohamed, the so-called…

Sydney Smith

Gay Times fires editor over anti-Semitic, racist tweets

Gay Times magazine fired its new editor Josh Rivers because of his offensive, anti-Semitic tweets from years earlier.  The UK…

Sydney Smith

Corrections: Singing in Mexican? Death Penalty for Las Vegas Shooter? Pimpin or Primpin?

iMediaEthics frequently rounds up amusing or noteworthy corrections. Check out our latest collection below. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on…

Sydney Smith