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No. The presidential race is not dead heat.

On Sunday, the day before the first debate between the two major candidates, the Washington Post announced the latest findings…

Sydney Smith

Media in Jordan blurred ads & editorial, overused anonymous sources in election coverage, media group says

A Jordanian educational organization, the Jordan Media Institute (JMI), studied 20 of the country's news outlets and their coverage of…

Sydney Smith

Australian Newspaper Shouldn’t have named 8-Year-Old Murder Witness, press council says

The Courier-Mail, a daily Brisbane, Australia newspaper, shouldn't have identified an eight-year-old boy who had to serve as a witness in…

Sydney Smith

USA Today Suspends Glenn Reynolds for ‘Run Them Down’ Tweet on Charlotte Protests

USA Today suspended law professor and columnist Glenn Reynolds after he tweeted "run them down," referring to the protesters in…

Sydney Smith

Australian news outlet paid $75K for interview with Belle Gibson, who faked Cancer

Australia's Channel Nine paid blogger Belle Gibson $75,000 for an exclusive interview after she was busted for faking brain cancer.…

Sydney Smith

Fox News’ Sean Hannity Appears in Donald Trump Ad

Fox News' Sean Hannity appeared in a Donald Trump ad without telling the network he planned to do so. He won't be…

Sydney Smith

Empire State News wrongly says less than 1% children sexually abused. Here’s what the statistics really are

Empire State News claimed it is false to say one in five children are sexually abused in the U.S. Instead,…

Sydney Smith

New Guidelines for FBI Agents Posing as Journalists

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released new guidelines for when its agents can pose as journalists, now requiring top brass…

Sydney Smith

NYTimes Bureau Chief published private comments, Public Editor Calls for Note they are ‘Inappropriately Obtained’

The New York Times' Kabul bureau chief Rod Nordland shouldn't have published comments made by a fellow journalist in an…

Sydney Smith

2 Former News of the World Execs in Contempt over Phone Hacking Evidence

Former News of the World editor Colin Myler and former legal manager Tom Crone were found in contempt of the…

Sydney Smith