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Top 10 Political Reporting Errors of the Year

This year, there were so many glaring or entertaining corrections we had to divvy up our annual corrections lists in categories. Below…

Sydney Smith

Daily Telegraph Corrects Suicide Pact, Travellers Movement Story after IPSO Complaint

The Daily Telegraph wrongly said an inquest into the deaths of a married couple found the pair died as part…


Reuters’ Syrian girl ‘Editor’s Choice’ Photo mystery: Why does she have an extra thumb?

Why is there an extra thumb in this Reuters photo of a Syrian girl in a refugee camp? If you…

Sydney Smith

NYTimes adds editor’s note to Tashfeen Malik Social Media Story

The New York Times added an editor's note today to its story "U.S. Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife's Online Zealotry" on…

Sydney Smith

Harper’s Issues its First Retraction, Stephen Glass Faked at least 71% of ‘Prophets and Losses’

Seventeen years later, notorious fabricator Stephen Glass finally has fessed up to what he faked in his story for Harper's Magazine,…

Sydney Smith

NYTimes: Photo of Muslim Teenager with Donald Trump on TV in Background wasn’t Staged or Faked

The New York Times says it didn't fake a photo showing a 15-year-old Muslim teenager doing her homework while Donald Trump was…

Sydney Smith

Why Paul Krugman Is Wrong About Donald Trump’s Polling Numbers

In a recent blogpost, Paul Krugman, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist, suggested that Donald Trump’s “bubble” probably…

Sydney Smith

Why show Syed Farook, Tashfeen Malik Photos? San Diego Union-Tribune Explains its Decision after Reader Complaints

San Diego readers didn't want to see pictures of the two San Bernardino shooters, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, San…

Sydney Smith

Do Refugees Get Better Benefits in Canada than Senior Citizens? Public Editor Fact Check Says No & Explains Viral Error

Refugees don't get better government benefits in Canada than Canadian senior citizens, the Toronto Star's Kathy English reported. The false…

Sydney Smith

Santa’s DEAD!? Norway’s Aftenposten apologizes for fake obituary

Have fun explaining this one to your kids: Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten told its readers that Santa Claus was dead. Earlier this month,…
