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Police Done Investigating Phone Hacking at News Corp & Trinity Mirror Papers

The UK police have ended their investigation into phone hacking at UK papers owned by News Corp. and Trinity Mirror…

Sydney Smith

Love Trump’s Hate? Globe and Mail Misquotes Hillary Clinton Tweet on Donald Trump Muslim Ban

Your English teacher probably warned you that a misplaced punctuation mark could change the meaning of your sentence. The Globe and…

Sydney Smith

Polish Public Broadcasting Host didn’t break Journalism Ethics, Suspension Ended

Karolina Lewicka, a host for Poland's public broadcaster TVP, was suspended after being accused of breaking journalism ethics, but is now…


Jared Leto Sues TMZ over Taylor Swift Video, Says Video was Stolen

Actor and musician Jared Leto is suing TMZ over its publication of a video showing him talking about Taylor Swift.…

Sydney Smith

BBC Host Andy West gets Suspended after Facebook post about Tyson Fury

The BBC suspended Northern Ireland staffer Andy West after he criticized a BBC decision on Facebook. West deleted his Facebook post,…

Sydney Smith

Depressed should ‘Stop Moaning?’ UK Paper Apologizes for Column saying ‘Bipolar seems to be all the rage’

The UK Portsmouth News unpublished and apologized for a column saying people with depression should "stop moaning," UK media site…


BuzzFeed Staffers given OK to call Donald Trump ‘Mendacious Racist’

BuzzFeed staffers have been given the OK to tweet that Donald Trump is a liar and a racist. In a memo…


Survey said 33% Drunk Vegetarians Eat Meat? Did Huff Post, Telegraph, USA Today fact check?

Do a third of vegetarians really go for hamburgers and bacon after drinking too much? Media from the Huffington Post…


BBC: Coverage of Syed Farook & Tashfeen Malik’s Apartment ‘Appropriate and Relevant’

The BBC stands by its coverage of the San Bernardino shootings, specifically its footage from inside the apartments of Syed…


UK Sun Retracts: Freelancer didn’t go from Turkey to France without showing passport

The UK Sun hit delete on a Dec. 5 story claiming its reporter Emile Ghessen traveled from Turkey to France over…
