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Pictures of Children on ‘Russian Pervert Website’ Weren’t in Public Interest, Regulator rules

The Lancashire Evening Post, a daily newspaper in England, got in trouble with the UK press regulator after showing five…


Leonardo DiCaprio suing French mag over Pregnant Rihanna Rumor

Leonardo DiCaprio has announced a lawsuit against the French magazine Oops! The magazine claimed DiCaprio impregnated the singer Rihanna, according…


BBC Reporter Mis-gendered Caitlyn Jenner, Apologizes

The BBC's James Naughtie apologized for his "sloppy" reporting during the BBC's Radio 4 Today on Caitlyn Jenner, referring to…


Cartoon Plagiarism in Maryland Newspaper

The Montgomery, Maryland Sentinel yanked all cartoons by a William Charles after another cartoonist said Charles was stealing his work,…


Canadian Journalist who Fabricated Quits Journalists Group

Francois Bugingo is officially out of the Federation of Professional Journalists in Quebec. Bugingo voluntarily sent in his membership card…


Media Ate up Chocolate Diet Hoax: Journalist Wanted to Test ‘Junk-science Diet Industry’

Journalist John Bohannon admitted last week that he intentionally duped the media with a study saying chocolate helped weight loss.…


Homophobic? Canadian Sports Journalist Apologizes for Michael Sam comments

Canadian writer Marc de Foy apologized for an insensitive comment about Michael Sam., Sam was the National Football League's first…


National Review Used 2005 Hurricane Photo with 2015 Venezuela Story

The National Review used a photo from a Texas hurricane with a story on Venezuela, Mediaite reported. The National Review's…


Andy Coulson Acquitted of Perjury in Scotland

Andy Coulson, a former News of the World editor and former communications director for UK prime minister David Cameron, was…


BBC Reporter Says Queen’s Dead, Was Practicing

The BBC was practicing for Queen Elizabeth's death today and during the "category-one obituary rehearsal" one of its reporters, BBC…
