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Swedish Prosecution Responds to Julian Assange’s Interview Agreement

The Swedish prosecution responded today to Julian Assange's yesterday consent to be interviewed by Swedish authorities in London. Assange's lawyer…

Sydney Smith

Charges against 9 UK Journalists for Payments Dropped

Big news in the UK police investigation and charges against journalists. Today the UK Crown Prosecution Service dropped charges against…


NBC News’ Richard Engel Changes Kidnapping Story, Why didn’t NBC News tell him Kidnappers weren’t Shia?

NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel and five other people in his crew were kidnapped for five days in…

Sydney Smith

Ohio U student editor suspended after secret agreement to not criticize School Prez

The Post, the student-run newspaper for Ohio University, apologized to readers after an opinion editor made a secret agreement not to…


NYTimes hoaxed by Twitter Source, Scrubs E-Cigarette story

The New York Times was hoaxed by a Twitter user it interviewed for a story on the use of e-cigarettes,…

Sydney Smith

Dying Woman Photo: Should Mail Online, Mirror have published it?

Was it OK for the Mail Online, the Mirror, the Associated Press and National Post to publish a photo of…

Sydney Smith

2 Execs Out after CBC’s Jian Ghomeshi Investigation

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. has released its investigation into how it handled the Jian Ghomeshi scandal. Ghomeshi was fired last…

London Allen

BuzzFeed writer whose story was deleted quits

Arabelle Sicardi announced she's quitting BuzzFeed this week days afer the site deleted and then re-instated one of her articles.…

Sydney Smith

Julian Assange agrees to interview w Swedish authorities in London

Julian Assange has agreed to be questioned by Swedish authorities in London, Sweden's the Local reported. "We have today sent…

London Allen

ESPN suspends Britt McHenry after Leaked Parking Lot Video

ESPN suspended reporter Britt McHenry after a video was leaked showing her verbally attacking a parking lot attendant. ESPN PR…

Sydney Smith