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Michigan State U student paper brought ‘down image of black males on campus’

The State News, the independent newspaper for Michigan State University, apologized for publishing a photo showing a black male giving…

Sydney Smith

Russian State News Fakes Photo of Arrested Governor

Russian news agency RIA Novosti admitted it published a fake photograph of a governor named Alexander Khoroshavin, English-language Russian newspaper…


NPR Talk-show host Diane Rehm’s right-to-die advocacy went too far

Talk-show host Diane Rehm's advocacy for the right-to-die cause went too far. Rehm who hosts her namesake talk-show broadcast on…


World Press Photo 1st Prize had ‘serious distortion of reality’

The World Press Photo contest took away this year's first prize award after discovering the photographer "misrepresented the location of…


National Post To Pay Climate Scientist After Libeling Him, Supreme Court Rules

The National Post must pay climate scientist Andrew Weaver 50,000 Canadian dollars and unpublish four articles about him after Canada's…

Sydney Smith

Univision Host’s sort-of apology for saying Michelle Obama looks like apes

Fired Univsion host Rodner Figueroa wrote an apology letter to the First Lady for saying on air that Michelle Obama…


NBC’s Dr Nancy Snyderman Quits, Cites Ebola Scandal as Reason

Dr. Nancy Snyderman quit as NBC News' chief medical editor today. Snyderman, who was with NBC News for nine years,…


BBC executive Alan Yentob Found Hacking Invasion of privacy ‘Extremely Disturbing’

The Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and Sunday People hacked BBC executive Alan Yentob's phone possibly "tens of thousands" of times between…


Was BBC TV Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson violent? Suspended after ‘Fracas’

The BBC suspended Jeremy Clarkson yesterday because of a "fracas with  a BBC producer," a BBC statement announced. Clarkson has…

Sydney Smith

How fair will MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Election Coverage be if wife runs for Congress?

MSNBC's Chris Matthews promised his viewers to be "as transparent with you as possible" if his wife runs for political…

Sydney Smith