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New York Times’ Public Editor Responds to the newspaper Not Publishing Charlie Hebdo Cartoons

New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan weighed in this afternoon on the Times' decision not to publish cartoons from…


Financial Times Scrubs Claim Charlie Hebdo was ‘Stupid’ to Publish Muhammad Cartoons

The Financial Times scrubbed two controversial comments from an opinion piece by Europe editor Tony Barber about yesterday's attack on…


Mossad Behind Charlie Hebdo Attack? International Business Times Retracts, Apologizes

The International Business Times unpublished a story that suggested that Mossad carried out the attack on Charlie Hedbo. In a…


Brian Williams Corrects NBC Charlie Hebdo Reporting

NBC News'  Brian Williams issued an on-air correction just now for NBC News' false reporting that one of the three…


Globe & Mail: 40% Less Corrections in 2014, than 2013

The Globe and Mail published 450 corrections in 2014, public editor Sylvia Stead reported. Stead noted that while "certainly a…


MH17 Plane Crash Victim’s Photo Broadcast, BBC Apologizes

BBC News got in trouble after its coverage of the July Malaysian Airlines plane MH17, which was shot down in…

Sydney Smith

Who is afraid of Charlie Hebdo Cartoons?

Following the terrorist attack on Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo this morning, some news outlets are censoring or otherwise not…

Sydney Smith

Which News Outlets Will & Won’t Show Charlie Hebdo Cartoons? Part 2

More news outlets have announced they aren't going to show certain cartoons from satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which was attacked…


AP Unpublishes ‘Piss Christ’ Photo after Charlie Hebdo due to Provocativeness

The Associated Press unpublished a 1989 photograph "Piss Christ" from its site after the Washington Examiner pointed to the unfairness…


Fake North Korea Twitter Account Dupes Wash Post, Newsweek, Slate, Fox News, Reuters

Major news outlets were duped by a fake Twitter account purporting to be run by the North Korean government despite…
