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Toddler (Adele’s Son) wins Invasion of Privacy Settlement from Corbis Photo Agency

A UK photo agency must pay Adele's toddler son to settle a lawsuit and promised not to re-publish photos it…


Anti-semitism at Sydney Morning Herald? Gaza cartoon retracted

The Sydney Morning Herald retracted and said it was "wrong" to publish a July 26 cartoon about Gaza that has…

Sydney Smith

Sarah Palin’s interview didn’t call Obama Hitler, Jezebel duped

Gawker-owned blog Jezebel was duped by a satire story from The National Report, Mediaite reported. Jezebel published a story titled,…

Sydney Smith

Max Mosley sues Google, wants 2008 Sex Party Pics gone

Max Mosley is suing Google UK to get the company to take down pictures of him at a sex party.…

Sydney Smith

Atlantic’s David Frum accused NYT of fake Gaza photos, Then backed off

The Atlantic's senior editor David Frum says he falsely accused the New York Times, Reuters and other news outlets of…

Sydney Smith

Israeli military wanted prior review of New York Times articles on soldier Goldin

Israel's military censor wanted prior review of the New York Times' article on Second Lt. Hadar Goldin, a missing Israeli…

Sydney Smith

KY Reporter criticizes advertiser on Facebook, Gets Fired

The Ashland Daily Independent in Kentucky fired reporter Ken Hart over one of his Facebook posts, Jim Romenesko reported. His…

Sydney Smith

Asian Man called ‘Offensive Racial Term’ in BBC Burma Top Gear program by Jeremy Clarkson.

UK broadcast regulator OfCom ruled against BBC's Jeremy Clarkson for having "deliberately" said an "offensive racial term" on air. Two…

Sydney Smith

Genocide is Encouraged? Times of Israel, 5 Towns Jewish Times unpublish

Times of Israel and New York website Five Towns Jewish Times both unpublished a blogpost calling for genocide in Gaza.…

London Allen

Fake Boko Haram comment by Sandra Fluke dupes Rabbi, San Diego Jewish World

San Diego Jewish World published fake quotes purportedly from an interview by NPR with Sandra Fluke. The author of the…
