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MSNBC’s Martin Bashir: ‘Unreserved Apology’ for Unfair Sarah Palin Commentary

MSNBC's Martin Bashir apologized for making "wholly unacceptable" comments about Sarah Palin and suggesting someone "sh*t" in her mouth, Mediaite…


Wash Post ‘Erred in Editing’ Bill de Blasio Family ‘Gag Reflex’ Comment

The Washington Post's Richard Cohen has come under fire the past week for his column that said "conventional" people would…


Bloomberg News Not ‘Wusses’? Denies Self-Censorship in China, Rebuts NYT Report

The New York Times reported last week based on anonymous sources that Bloomberg News is killing stories about China that…

Sydney Smith

‘Hunting Ground for Sexual Predators?’ York Univ. Sues Toronto Life for Libel

Canada's York University is suing Toronto Life magazine over an October article about the university, the Toronto Star reported. The…

Sydney Smith

Piers Morgan Tweets Sarah Palin Satire Story, Denies he was Hoaxed

It's another Sarah Palin, Breitbart News, Piers Morgan dust-up. CNN's Morgan tweeted a link to an article that mocked Sarah…

Sydney Smith

Alec Baldwin Says MSNBC Show May End After Anti-Gay Slur

MSNBC suspended Alec Baldwin after his comments yesterday to a New York Post photographer apparently taking pictures of Baldwin, his…


NBC News Licenses Skydiver Video, Paid $100K, Wash Post Reports

NBC News "licensed" a video for news reports -- meaning it coughed up cash for rights to a video, and…


Pew’s Misleading Trans Fat Poll: David Moore responds to Pew Director

In his response to my article critical of a Pew poll, Michael Dimock, Director of the Pew Research Center, acknowledges…

Sydney Smith

Apology for Calling Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address ‘Silly’? ‘A Little Fun’ Patriot-News tells iMediaEthics

The (Pennsylvania) Patriot-News' editorial board apologized this week for calling President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address "silly" at the time. Matt…

Sydney Smith

World’s Strongest Man Didn’t Break up Gay Rights Rally, Russian, Italian News Hoaxed

Three Russian news outlets and one Italian newspaper's website were hoaxed by a satire story that said the "World's Strongest…

Sydney Smith