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How New York Times Got Putin Op-Ed and Why it Published it

New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan blogged Sept. 12 about Russian president Vladimir Putin's high-profile op-ed for the Times.…

Sydney Smith

UK Sunday Times Journalist Vindicated From Lance Armstrong Libel Claim

Lance Armstrong's admission to doping didn't just put his career as a cyclist in question -- it also forced him…

Sydney Smith

Bloomberg New Standards Editor ‘Inside News’; Ombudsman, ‘Outside News’

Bloomberg L.P. has appointed its first standards editor and its first ombudsman. The company named former New York Times public…

Sydney Smith

The Curious Case of Democratic-Leaning Pollster Admitting It Withheld Poll Results That Favored a Republican

Last week, Public Policy Polling revealed it had conducted a poll in Colorado Senate District 3 prior to the recall…

Sydney Smith

3 Media Missteps in Navy Yard Shootings Reporting

The Sept. 16 Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C., produced a flurry of media missteps, misidentifications, and photojournalism errors. CBS…

Sydney Smith

EVENT: Media Ethics on Immigration, ‘Changing Media’ at ASU’s Cronkite School

Three New York Times public editors -- past public editors Clark Hoyt and Barney Calame and current public editor Margaret…

Sydney Smith

Will UK Fact Finder work like Journalism Genie for fact checking?

Will a new online guide serve as a digital fact check genie? "Full Fact Finder," by UK not-for-profit fact checking…

Sydney Smith

ABC News’ Diane Sawyer’s 2013 Traffic Jam Story From 2010; Daily Beast, ABC Corrects

ABC News' Diane Sawyer corrected a Sept. 5, 2013 report about a traffic jam in China because the story was…

Sydney Smith

BBC Newsnight Editor Sends ‘Ill-Judged Tweet,’ Calls UK Labour Party Politician Boring

BBC Newsnight editor Ian Katz apologized for an "ill-judged tweet" about a politician's appearance on the Newsnight program. Katz's Sept. 9…

Sydney Smith

Should Society of Professional Journalists Change its Name? Resolution Failed, but SPJ Prez is creating Task Force

The U.S.-based Society of Professional Journalists voted against changing its name to the Society for Professional Journalism during the 2013…

Sydney Smith