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Is Video ‘Gone?’ Gawker Will Wait Month to Find Owners of Alleged Rob Ford Video before Giving $ to Charity

Gawker editor John Cook is willing to wait a month for the owners of the alleged Rob Ford crack video…

Sydney Smith

National Review’s Ron Fournier Says His ‘Jihad’ Word Choice was ‘Irresponsible’

National Journal's Ron Fournier called his saying President Barack Obama had started a "jihad against the press" an "inaccurate/irresponsible word…

Sydney Smith

Bradley Manning’s Trial for Leaking to WikiLeaks Started this Week

The trial against Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army soldier who admitted earlier this year that he provided hundreds of thousands of…

Sydney Smith

Parade Mag Fakes Cover Photo of ABC-TV Hosts Kelly Ripa-Michael Strahan, No disclosure

Parade magazine’s cover photo for the Sunday June 2, 2013 issue used a fake background without disclosing the fact to…

Sydney Smith

BBC gets 77 complaints over ‘Of Muslim Appearance’ Woolwich Attack Quote

BBC News' Nick Robinson regretted quoting an unnamed source that the police thought Lee Ribgy's attackers were "of Muslim appearance." …

Sydney Smith

Graphic Video of UK Soldier Lee Rigby’s Attackers, 94 Complaints to PCC, 40+ to the Guardian

British news outlets including ITV and the Guardian published video of what happened after last week's fatal attack on soldier…

Sydney Smith

Inquistr Adds Daily Mail to ‘Watch List’ after Being Hoaxed by Fake Interview

After being hoaxed by a fake Sir Roger Moore interview published by the Daily Mail, Inquisitr senior editor James Johnson…

Sydney Smith

Hoax Sotheby’s Craigslist Ad Tricks Gawker, NYMag, HuffPo

A few news sites were hoaxed by a fake Craigslist advertisement but soon made corrections after learning the ad wasn't…

Sydney Smith

No More ‘Illegal Immigrant’ at San Francisco Chronicle Either

The San Francisco Chronicle is the latest news outlet to update its style entry on "illegal immigrant," Poynter reported. Like…

Sydney Smith

Toronto Star ‘Went Overboard’ Describing Rob Ford Video Owners as Somali, Public Editor Says

In the Toronto Star's report about the alleged video of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack that was offered at…

Sydney Smith