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US Marines Say Philadelphia Mag’s Source An Exaggerator, Not Faker

Major Shawn Haney, a public affairs officer for the U.S. Marine Corps, has helped reveal the extent to which Philadelphia…

Sydney Smith

Will Fox News Reporter have to Reveal Anonymous Sources in James Holmes Reporting?

Fox News reporter Jana Winter found out about a notebook belonging to James Holmes, the man accused in the infamous…


Washington Times, Gizmodo, Venture Beat Quickly Admit being Fooled by April Fools’ Prank Drone Story

Outlets including Gizmodo UK, Venture Beat, and the Washington Times admitted being duped by an April Fools' hoax within 24…

Sydney Smith

Is Daily Mirror Pretending It wasn’t Hoaxed by Virgin Atlantic Glass-Bottomed Plane April Fools Prank?

Was the UK Daily Mirror hoaxed by an April Fools' joke? In an April 1 story, the Mirror reported on…

Sydney Smith

Huh? 3 Weeks into Job, WashPost’s New Readers Rep Finally Blogs…about how to print from the website?

Based on the Washington Post's readers representative's first blogpost this week, it looks like concerns about the new position may…

Sydney Smith

So How Pregnant is Glee Star? US Weekly says 3 months, then 10 hours later reports 6 months

U.S. magazine Us Weekly was super excited to announce that Glee actress and former Beyonce back-up dancer Heather Morris was…

Sydney Smith

‘We Blew It’ Says Philadelphia Magazine, Journalist Admits Duped By Liar In Fact Check Fail

Philadelphia Magazine unpublished a story after discovering that its source fabricated dramatic and compelling tales about his psychological struggles with…


U of Wisc- Madison Annual Journalism Ethics Conference Live Streaming All Day

"Who is Shaping the News?" Are journalists, corporations, or media owners deciding what gets reported and how? Those questions will be…


Indigenous People Protest ‘Hate Speech’ in Nanaimo Daily News, Will Boycott Newspaper’s Printing Service

Indigenous people opened their newspapers last week in Western Canada to read, in a letter from a reader, that their race…

Sydney Smith

NBC Distributes Fake Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon Photo with No Disclosure, Road & Background Scene NOT Real

The Daily News, the New York Post, the Hollywood Reporter, the Village Voice, Fox News and other news outlets published…

Sydney Smith