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Wash Post’s New Readers Rep? ‘Customer Relations Person’? NPR Ombudsman Asks

As iMediaEthics wrote yesterday, the Washington Post announced the newspaper was replacing its ombudsman position with a readers representative. Notably,…

Sydney Smith

Why Newspaper Published Fake Interview with Politician, Called it ‘A Little Piece of Satire’

As iMediaEthics wrote this past weekend, Falkland Islands' only newspaper, the weekly Penguin News, published a fake interview purporting to…

Sydney Smith

NBC: We ‘Fairly and accurately reported’ on George Zimmerman’s 911 Trayvon Martin Call

NBC has responded to George Zimmerman's lawsuit arguing that it "fairly and accurately reported" on him in its stories on…

Sydney Smith

Ombudsman-Lite? WashPost to Replace Ombudsman with Readers Rep

The Washington Post announced today that it won't replace Patrick Pexton, whose two-year term as ombudsman ended yesterday, with another…

Sydney Smith

NC Newspaper: Asking for Gun Permit records was ‘Tremendous Error in Judgment’

Cherokee Scout editor Robert Horne resigned this week just days after apologizing for trying to obtain the gun records of…

Sydney Smith

Bradley Manning Takes ‘Full Responsibiity,’ Pleads Guilty to 10 Criminal Counts

Bradley Manning has long been suspected as WikiLeaks' source for thousands of U.S. government documents including the so-called Afghan War…

Sydney Smith

Wash Post Photographer Submitted ‘Manipulated’ Photo to Awards, Against WaPo Photo Ethics

A Washington Post photographer submitted a photo that had been Photoshopped to hide a person in the background of the…

Sydney Smith

NYT David Brooks on his Sequestration Column: ‘I probably went bit too far’

After being called out by the Washington Post's Ezra Klein, New York Times' conservative columnist David Brooks added a "postscript"…

Sydney Smith

Fake Tweets Posted on AFP Twitter Account after Hack, Syrian Electronic Army Says It Did it

French news agency Agence France-Presse said its photo Twitter account @AFPphoto was hacked Feb. 26 by a Syrian group. In…

Sydney Smith

First Lady Michelle Obama’s Oscar Dress Doctored by Iranian News Agency

Iran's Fars News Agency Photoshopped an image of Michelle Obama to cover up her bare shoulders.  The New York Times…

Sydney Smith