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Measuring Subway Platform Discredits NY Post Abbasi Subway Photo Tale

iMediaEthics went to the 49th Street and 7th Avenue N, R and Q subway station and examined the platform where…

London Allen

Veteran Cape Cod Times Reporter Faked Sources, Editors ‘Heartbroken,’ Start Better Supervision

After finding out one its longtime reporters, Karen Jeffrey, had used fake sources in at least 34 of her stories,…

Sydney Smith

ESPN Claims It Wasn’t Wrong to Deny Blog Credit for Scoop

ESPN apparently does not like giving credit where credit is due. Case in point: After ESPN originally credited sports blog…

Sydney Smith

Getty Scrubs Caption Error, College Journalist NOT Occupy Wall Street Protestor, But No Correction

When the media covers Occupy Wall Street activities, not everyone pictured is a protester - a fact that sometimes seems lost…


CNN Misquotes Billionaire Saying Mitt Romney ‘Level-Headed Buy’

CNN's typo in a quote about Mitt Romney significantly changed the meaning of the comment, made by billionaire John Catsimatidis. …

Sydney Smith

UK Training Group Calls for ‘Compulsory’ Ethics Training for Journalists

The National Council for the Training of Journalists held a Journalism Skills conference in late November. At that conference, the…


Creating Public Opinion About Susan Rice

A recent poll from National Journal, a Washington D.C. "news magazine,"  finds that a majority of the public would support…


What’s worse? NY Post Subway Death Photos or 2 Historic Media Scandals?

While the Post’s photograph, taken by Umar Abbasi, and its sensational headline (“DOOMED”), were jarring and repulsive for many, it’s…


Vermont Newspaper Hires Sex Offender for Police, Court Beat? Transparency, Conflict of Interest Questions Raised

A Vermont weekly newspaper questioned a fellow local newspaper's transparency and accountability after finding out that it hired a convicted…


Tweets ask Did man die because a NY Post photographer failed to help?

Yesterday, December 3, 2012, a tragedy unfolded in the underground subway station near Times Square, New York.  Ki-Suck Han of…
