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No More Prior Review for Burmese journalists?

The government of Myanmar will not make Burmese journalists have their stories reviewed prior to publication, the Associated Press reported. According…

Sydney Smith

Arizona TV News to pay Blogger $300 for Video

Arizona CBS-affiliate KOLD-TV 13 is paying a blogger $300 after "using his video without permission," Jim Romenesko reported August 14.…

Sydney Smith

News Corp Reviewing ‘Anti-Corruption Controls’

News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch revealed in a memo that he is examining the company's "current internal controls" to "identify…

Sydney Smith

Politico Reporter Apologizes for Todd Akin Tweets

Politico's David Catanese apologized in a memo for his tweets on Todd Akin's rape comments, the Huffington Post reported. As…

Sydney Smith

UK Media Asked not to Run Prince Harry Naked Pics Citing PCC Code on Invasion of Privacy & Photos

Earlier this week, TMZ published photos of Prince Harry naked.  But, the UK media was asked "not to publish the…

Sydney Smith

Balkan Media Falls for Hoax Angelina Jolie Twitter Account

SPLIT, Croatia -- Balkan media outlets and an Olympic coach were hoaxed by a fake Twitter account purporting to be…


No Injunction against the Sun, Story in Pubic Interest, UK Court Says

The UK high court rejected an application for an injunction against the News Corp-owned UK Sun, the Guardian reported. Steve…

Sydney Smith

Politico Reporter’s Tweets ‘Crossed Line A Reporter Shouldn’t Cross’

Politico's David Catanese will no longer report on Todd Akin after his tweets "crossed a line a reporter shouldn't cross,"…

Sydney Smith

The Huffington Post Steals Penis Story

The Huffington Post recently published an article on a

Sydney Smith

Malaysia Journalism Group Slams Photojournalists for Raid Photos

Malaysia's Center for Independent Journalism slammed Malaysian journalists who "overstepped their ethical and professional boundaries," and possibly "abused their position"…

Sydney Smith