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Rupert Murdoch Resigns from UK Newspaper Boards

Rupert Murdoch resigned this month from the boards of "the NI Group, Times Newspaper Holdings and News Corp Investments in…

Sydney Smith

Anonymous Commenter ID’s herself 3 Months after Newspaper Subpoenaed for her Identity

As we have written, the Spokane Spokesman-Review was recently ordered to identify an anonymous commenter to a local Idaho Republican…

Sydney Smith

WSJ’s James Taranto Apologizes for Aurora, Colorado Tweet

The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto spent about 1,000 words explaining and apologizing for a 15-word July 24 tweet about…


New Social Media Guidelines at the AP Again

The Associated Press has new social media guidelines that permit breaking news on Twitter, Journalism.co.uk reported. As Journalism.co.uk explained, staff…

Sydney Smith

Quote Approval ‘New & Different,’ Dan Rather Says

The New York Times highlighted a quote approval practice with U.S. 2012 presidential campaign reporters recently. The July 15 New…

Sydney Smith

ABC News Corrects Wrong James Holmes Claim, Accused of Out-of-Context Quote

ABC News apologized July 20 for linking James Holmes with the Tea Party, Politico reported.  Holmes is the suspect in…

Sydney Smith

Ethics Paper from Reuters Institute Addresses Objectivity, Impartiality

The importance of and pro

Sydney Smith

Startling News from CBS/NYTimes Poll

Last week, at the top of the front page of The New York Times, came the startling headline: “Poll Indicates…

Sydney Smith

MaltaToday Fined for Libel, Plans to Appeal

A Malta court ruled that MaltaToday libeled a lawyer in three Jan. 22, 2006 articles, according to the Malta Independent…

Sydney Smith

Ombuds: NPR Practices ‘Sluggish Journalism’ By Not IDing Source as Activist

NPR's ombudsman Edward Schumacher-Matos wrote that the broadcaster practiced "sluggish journalism" by not identifying a source's advocacy group membership in…

Sydney Smith