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Connecticut Newspaper Apologizes for Fabrication, Fires Reporter

Connecticut's New Canaan News fired reporter Paresh Jha for making up "quotations and sources" and apologized for the "gross violation…

Sydney Smith

Fake Ottawa Citizen Retraction, Phony NYT Press Releases Circulate

At least three fake press releases, including one that was a fake retraction of an Ottawa Citizen article about artist…


NYDaily News, WPIX Take Down Fake Drake-Chris Brown Video

We wrote earlier this month about the New York Daily News and WPIX being hoaxed by a fake video claiming…


Fiji TV Announces Commitment to Ethics

Fiji TV announced a commitment to media ethics and to make its work more ethical, according to a Pacific Media…

Sydney Smith

Student Wins Libel Case against Daily Mail, Evening Standard

Luke Cooper won his libel lawsuit against the Daily Mail and Evening Standard.


Conflicting Polls on Obama, Romney Election Standings – Bloomberg versus Associated Press

On June 20, Bloomberg released a new poll showing President Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney by 13 points, 53% to…


Scottish Sun Apologizes for ID’ing Children

The Scottish Sun apologized after unnecessarily identifying children in an April 29 story critical of their father, the PCC reported.…

Sydney Smith

Ghana Journalists Advised to Follow Ethics, Avoid Checkbook Journalism

Journalists attending a "Guidelines for Political Journalism" workshop were advised on reporting "truthful, unbiased information" on politics and to carefully…


Evening Standard, Daily Mail Sued for Libel, Journalist Defends against Fake Quote Claims

The Evening Standard and Daily Mail are being sued for libel by Sussex University PhD student Luke Cooper over 2010 reports…

Sydney Smith

POLITICO Suspends Reporter for Mitt Romney Comments

POLITICO's Joe Williams was suspended June 22 for comments about Mitt Romney.  Williams' POLITICO bio identifies him as the "White…

Sydney Smith