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WaPo Updates on Oliver North Plagiarism Claims

We wrote earlier this month about accusations of plagiarism against a column written by Fox News' Oliver North.  North had quoted…

Sydney Smith

$13.7 Mill Libel Payment for Anonymous Comments Rejected

We wrote earlier this year when a jury awarded a Texas couple $13.7 million in a libel lawsuit against online…

Sydney Smith

WSJ Reporter Resigns, Broke Conduct Code, Showed Stories pre-publication

Wall Street Journal reporter Gina Chon resigned for "sharing certain unpublished news articles with Brett McGurk, then a member of…


iMediaEthics Wins 1st Mirror Award for Photojournalism Ethics Report

iMediaEthics' Dec. 27, 2011 story  "Troubling Double Standard, American photojournalism's different treatment of foreign victims" was awarded the Mirror Award…

Sydney Smith

Readers Editor: Guardian ‘should not have distributed’ Pro-Sri Lanka Supplement

The Guardian didn't intentionally place a promotional supplement on Sri Lanka next to an article critical of Sri Lanka, but…

Sydney Smith

California’s Beachcomber Advertorials are Disclosed

The (Long Beach) Beachcomber is selling advertorials, LA Observed reported.  According to the "pitch" from their "advertising rep," republished by…

Sydney Smith

Code of Ethics in Yemen?

Yemeni journalists are working on an ethics code, the Yemen Post reported. Accordng to the Yemen Post, the ethics code…

Sydney Smith

No fact checking or editing for Forbes’ bloggers?

According to a recent Mashable report, Forbes.com "authors, whether on staff or freelance, write their own headlines" and "press the…

Sydney Smith

Norway TV Editor on Ethics in Reporting on 2011 Oslo Attacks

Norway's TV2 conducted an internal review to analyze its reporting on the breaking news during the July 2011 Norway shootings…

Sydney Smith

The Already Determined 2012 Presidential Election: Polls vs. ‘The Keys’

While public opinion polls suggest a very close race for the presidency in 2012, Professor of History Allan Lichtman of…

Sydney Smith