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LAT Readers Rep on the Dentist Hoax

Los Angeles Times readers represenative Deirdre Edgar pointed out that the newspaper reported a hoax story as fact in a…

Sydney Smith

2 Chilean Editors Say TV Network Censored Investigation

Two Chilean editors, Patricio Ovando and Pilar Rodriguez, resigned from TV station Channel 13 because they said the station was…

Sydney Smith

Former News International CEO Rebekah Brooks Testifies at Leveson Inquiry

Former News International CEO Rebekah Brooks testified at the Leveson Inquiry into press standards and practices May 11.


Charges against UK Spectator for Violating Court Order on Murder Trial Reporting

The UK police is charging UK "literary entertainment" magazine the Spectator for "breaching reporting restrictions" over a November article published…

Sydney Smith

Abraham Lincoln Facebook Hoaxer: ‘Virtually nobody checked with me to ask if it was True’

Blogger Nate St. Pierre, who created the hoax story that Abraham Lincoln patented Facebook, explained why he made up the…


Ottawa Suicide Prevention Coalition Contacting Media Outlets to Advise How to Report on Suicide

J-Source, the Canadian Journalism Project, questioned recently "Has there been a shift in the way suicide is reported?"  According to…


News Outlets Retract Fake Story that Dentist Pulled All Her Ex’s Teeth

MSNBC broke down a sensational hoax story that made it through the international media after apparently originating in the UK…


Egyptian Media Workshop on Journalism Independence & Access

During an April workshop called "Media Coverage Monitoring and Enhancement during the Democratic Transitional Phase" in Egypt, journalists discussed "the negative…

Sydney Smith

Bias, Sensationalism, Anonymous Sources All Problems in Cambodia’s Media

Cambodia's Phnom Penh Post published an article calling for the country to create "an independent self-regulation mechanism and a journalists'…

Sydney Smith

Bahrain’s King Calls for Fact Checking

Bahrain's King Hamad advocated for pre-publication fact-checking and journalism ethics, the Gulf Daily News reported. Hamad also "urged reporters to…

Sydney Smith