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News Sites Unpublish Story About Malia Obama’s Spring Break Trip at White House Request for Privacy, Security

News sites have taken down stories about 13-year-old Malia Obama, one of U.S. President Barack Obama's daughters, Mediaite reported.

Sydney Smith

Mexican Journalist Anabel Hernandez Sued for Libel over El Chapo book

Former Mexican attorney general Jorge Carpizo is suing journalist Anabel Hernandez and Random House Mondadori, which published her book The…

Sydney Smith

DePauw College Newspaper Defends Coverage of Class on Arrested Student

DePauw University student newspaper The DePauw published an opinion piece by Chase Hall defending the newspaper's report on a university…

Sydney Smith

Canadian Broadcast Regulator Rules on Airing Dying Police Officer’s Words

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) ruled that Canadian TV stations like Global Toronto and CTV Toronto didn't "violate the…

Sydney Smith

UK Times Clarifies: Picture with Alcohol Abuse Story Not of Women with Alcohol Abuse, Pic From ‘Several Years Ago in Public Place’

The Sunday Times donated money to charity and published a clarification after a Press Complaints Commission complaint that the newspaper…

Sydney Smith

3 UK News Outlets Appealing Police Court Order for Footage

The BBC, ITN and Sky News are appealing a court order to give the police their footage of "the first…


News of the World Publisher Apologizes to Steve McFadden after Libel Lawsuit

News of the World's publisher, News Group Newspapers, apologized and paid damages to actor Steve McFadden for a Nov. 2010…

Sydney Smith

Sri Lanka calls for Prior Review of Stories on Natl Security, Police

The government of Sri Lanka announced that the nation's news outlets must "get prior approval before sending mobile phone alerts…

Sydney Smith

Liberian Journalist Threatened after Expose Published, CPJ calls for Her Safety

Advocacy group the Committee to Protect Journalists called on Liberia's president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to guarantee the "safety" of Liberian…

Sydney Smith

Swedish Embassy, Guatemalan Journalists Dispute over Story

The Swedish Embassy in Guatemala claims that two Guatemalan TV journalists, Sylvia Gereda and Pedro Trujillo, libeled the Swedish government,…

Sydney Smith