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Oregonian Explains Newsroom Source Gave ‘Misinformation’ in 1st Story on Editor’s Death

In The Oregonian's correction of its original obituary for one of its editors, Bob Caldwell, the newspaper revealed that Caldwell…

Sydney Smith

Blog Reports on Tweets by Scout Willis, Willis Rep Says Tweets Satire for Class Project

Blog Ivy Gate published on March 7 information from the Twitter account of @bougpunk, which Ivy Gate identified as the…

Sydney Smith

Former Editor Dennis Wilen Says He was Fired for Cartoon Patch Said was Racist

According to Media Bistro's Fishbowl LA, a year after Brentwood, California Patch editor Dennis Wilen was fired, Wilen is explaining…

Sydney Smith

Moroccan Media Regulation Discussed

Morocco's Ministry of Communication addressed media ethics, media regulation and more during a March 10 "study day," Magharebia reported. Morocco's…

Sydney Smith

Babble Apologizes for Plagiarism

Walt Disney Company-owned parenting website Babble announced March 13 that it fired one of its writers for plagiarism. According to…

Sydney Smith

Leveson Inquiry on Times’ 2009 E-mail Hacking to Name Anonymous Blogger ‘Nightjack’

Lord Leveson called former Times of London "legal manager" Alistair Brett's statement to a UK court in 2009 "utterly misleading" and…


Public Radio’s This American Life Retracts Mike Daisey FoxConn Story with Fabrications

Public radio program This American Life retracted a report on Apple by Mike Daisey that was "the single most popular…

Sydney Smith

Irish Broadcaster RTE Must be Transparent in Father Reynolds Libel Case, Sean Gallagher Fake Tweet

COMMENTARY This past week, Sarah McInerney, a reporter for the Sunday Times of Ireland, contacted us for our thoughts on the…


Former Newspaper Association Prez Accused of ‘Serial Plagiarism’

Poynter's Craig Silverman and Andrew Beaujon highlighted a shocking case of plagiarism by a former North Dakota Newspaper Association president,…

Sydney Smith

CALL FOR PAPERS: Submit Abstracts of Media Ethics Papers to Reuters Institute

Oxford University's Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism announced a call for papers from "Faculty, doctoral students and practitioners"…
