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Imposter Interviewing Academics under Guardian Journo’s Name, Public Ed Says

Someone has been falsely using the name and "persona" of a Guardian freelance journalist to waste academics' time, the Guardian's…

Sydney Smith

Alliance of Independent Journalists Indonesia Advises Fact Checking over Speed

The Indonesian Alliance of Independent Journalists advised journalism outlets put accuracy before being first, the Jakarta Post reported. The group's…

Sydney Smith

Mediaite Apologizes, Takes down Post that Wrongly Said Touré Defended Chris Brown

Mediaite apologized for incorrectly reporting that journalist Touré tweeted "defending Chris Brown."

Sydney Smith

4 Liberian Newspapers to Apologize, Pay Fine after Sex Scandal Story

Liberia's press union ruled that four Liberian newspapers, the New Dawn, the New  Republic, Women Voices and National Chronicle Newspapers,…

Sydney Smith

Why is the Media Addicted to National Primary Polls?

All over the news this week are the amazing results of a Gallup tracking poll, which shows Rick Santorum leading…

Sydney Smith

Tony Blair’s Wife Suing News Corp over Phone Hacking Claims

Tony Blair's wife Cherie Blair has filed a lawsuit against News Corp. and Glenn Mulcaire, claiming that her phone was…

Sydney Smith

ITV News Apologizes for Using Word ‘Coloured’

UK news outlet ITV News apologized Feb. 22 for using the word "coloured" on air, the Guardian reported. The apology,…


Asian American Journalists Association Lists Facts, Tips for Reporting on Jeremy Lin

The Asian American Journalists Association issued a Feb. 22 "media advisory" for reporting on Jeremy Lin. Lin is a basketball…


Charlotte Church Settles Phone Hacking Lawsuit against News of the World

Pop singer Charlotte Church settled her phone hacking lawsuit against News of the World, the BBC reported. Church argued that…


Pakistan Newspaper Plagiarized News Photos

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN -- Dateline Islamabad violated photojournalism ethical standards by plagiarizing copyrighted photographs from two other news agencies, ONLINE and…
