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Going undercover to report on people exchanging rent for sex was in public interest, IPSO says

It wasn't an invasion of privacy for the Mail on Sunday to go undercover to report on people offering to…

Sydney Smith

Unfair to link NZ group to mosque shootings

New Zealand website Stuff published an article claiming that a "strange Thor-worshipping religion" was linked to the March mosque shootings…

Sydney Smith

OK for BBC to publish Neo-Nazi-doctored image of Prince Harry being shot

It was OK for the BBC to publish a piece of neo-Nazi propaganda depicting Prince Harry being shot, OfCom, the…

Sydney Smith

UK Star and Mirror hit delete on Momo stories

The Daily Star and Mirror unpublished online articles about the Momo meme after complaints to the UK press regulator the…

Sydney Smith

Woman denied giving quotes to Mail Online, but reporter’s notes get complaint rejected

A woman denied giving any quotes to a UK Mail Online reporter, but the newspaper reported that she did. Even…

Sydney Smith

NPR de-indexes public editor’s blogpost, updates & corrects 2018 corrections

What do you do when the correction is wrong? Or when you have problems with the public editor's response? A…

Sydney Smith

OK for Nigel Farage to say ‘Jon Snow should be attacked’

LBC Radio's Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, said on air that UK Channel 4 journalist Jon Snow "should…

Sydney Smith

Corrections: Hate Speech, Shooting Manifesto, & Skin Cancer

iMediaEthics' latest roundup of corrections includes errors on hate speech, the El Paso gunman, skin cancer and more. 1.Hate speech.…

Sydney Smith

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace tweets apology for saying Trump wanted ‘extermination of Latinos’

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace apologized after claiming on air that Pres. Donald Trump called for "an extermination of Latinos." She…

Sydney Smith

Washington Post adds 15 corrections to story on black families & southern farmland

The Washington Post had to post 15 corrections to one article. "A previous version of this article contained many errors…

Sydney Smith