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Sports News Site: Fact Check Tweets Before Publishing Stories

Richard Greco suggested in a post on Philadelphia sports news site GCobb.com that journalists shouldn't automatically assume tweets are fact-checked…

Sydney Smith

Miss Piggy Criticizes Fox News

Miss Piggy, star of the movie The Muppets, has responded  to Fox Business' Eric Bolling's criticism of the 2011 Muppets movie, Media…

Sydney Smith

Advertising Watchdog on Claims TripAdvisor Published Fake Reviews

In February 2011, we wrote about claims made by "online reputation services" company KwikChex that TripAdvisor was hosting 27,000 defamatory…

Sydney Smith

3 Anonymous Sources to be named for Australian Defamation Suit

An Australian Supreme Court called for three journalists from Australia's The Age newspaper to identify three anonymous sources in order…

Sydney Smith

The Sun Retracts Claim about Soccer Manager

The UK Sun retracted a Jan. 30 story claiming that a soccer sports manager texted his team "to prepare for…


NYT Criticizes Reporters without Borders Annual Press Freedom Ranking of US below Hungary for Occupy Wall Street Arrests

Nonprofit advocacy group Reporters without Borders released its latest Press Freedom Index on Jan. 25. This is the "10th annual"…


Center for International Media Ethics Announces EthiContest Winner

The Center for International Media Ethics announced the winner of its Ethicontest 2011 in late January. The center identifies itself…

Sydney Smith

El Universo’s Appeal of July Libel Verdict Delayed

As we wrote in July 2011, Ecuador's president Rafael Correa successfully sued four journalists from El Universo over its February…

Sydney Smith

PCC Chairman Suggests Changes to UK Media Regulation at Leveson Hearing

The Press Complaints Commission's chairman Lord Hunt proposed a "totally new" regulation system and a "fresh start" at the Jan.…


Malaysia’s Journalists Union Proposes ‘Fair Reporting Pledge’

Malaysia's National Union of Journalists proposed a "fair reporting pledge" for its members, Malaysian news site Malaysia Kini reported.

Sydney Smith