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CNN Corrects After John Walker Lindh’s Father Lobbies Media Bugs

CNN has corrected its 2009 report labeling John Walker Lindh as a "convicted terrorist" after his father, Frank Lindh, submitted a correction request to Media…


Did Washington State Newspaper Fact-Check? No Corrections after 2 People Wrongly Listed as Murdered?

The Tri-City Herald incorrectly reported that a woman named Cheri Taylor was murdered, Seattle TV news station KOMO reported. The…


NYT Phone Number: Will Now Let People Know It’s Calling

The New York Times announced Aug. 12 that it will no longer mask its NYT phone number with the caller…


AP Won’t Distribute White House’s Photo of Fallen Troops Ceremony

While the press wasn't allowed to take photographs of Pres. Barack Obama's reception of the "bodies of 30 fallen troops…


UK Prime Minster Wants Media Evidence of Riots

UK Prime Minister David Cameron requested media outlets give "footage" of the riots to the police, Journalism.co.uk reported. Cameron called…


Fake News Website Posing as the BBC Taken Down

A hoax website imitating the BBC has published fake stories including one that alleges former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown…


Prosecutor Claims Medill Students Not Protected by Shield Law

As iMediaEthics has written, an Illinois court has been looking into Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism's Innocence Project.   The school's…


Live Reporting of Protected Court Case?

A UK judge is allowing the media to report on "a case being heard in the court of protection" while…


Cracked.Com Calls out 6 Things Commonly Found in Fake News Stories

Humor site Cracked.com compiled a list of "6 ways to get anyone to believe a clearly fake news story" in…


 New ‘Editorial Principles’ at Brazilian Media Company

Brazilian media company Grupo Globo has published new "editorial principles," according to the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas.…
