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WikiLunch? Julian Assange Auctioning off Lunch With Him

Julian Assange is auctioning off eight tickets to a July 2 lunch with himself and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, TIME magazine…


Whoa! New York Post Confuses Mule and Horse

The New York Post misidentified a mule as a horse in a June 10 photo caption.  The photo is credited…


Gay Girl in Damascus Hoax, Should News Outlets Correct Stories?

Last week, media outlets and the online community reported on the alleged kidnapping of Amina Arraf, the lesbian blogger in…


2nd Fake Lesbian Blogger Encouraged ’Gay Girl in Damascus’

What are the chances that, in the same week, another American man would be outed for the same offense as…


Govt Investigation after UK Sri Lanka Documentary?

UK's Channel 4 aired a documentary called "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" about the "final weeks of Sri Lanka's 25 year…


Guardian’s Readers Editor: Child Porn/Child Sex Abuse Entry being added to Style Book

The Guardian's readers editor, Chris Elliott, wrote earlier this month about the terminology "child porn." Elliott wrote that a reader complained…


898 Complaints for BBC Doc on Assisted Suicide

The BBC has received at least 898 complaints over its documentary on assisted suicide, The Telegraph reported. According to The…


What Two New Polls Reveal about Public Opinion and Healthcare

Petaluma360 posted this video on YouTube of a Town Hall meeting (Screenshot). The caption: "Emotional responses during health care reform…


Bahrain to Sue the UK Independent Newspaper?

Bahrain has filed a defamation lawsuit against The Independent newspaper and specifically its reporter Robert Fisk, The Guardian reported. Bahrain began…


Politican John Prescott Calls for Retraction from UK Sunday Times, Apology not good enough

The UK Sunday Times tweeted an apology to former deputy prime minister John Prescott for incorrectly quoting him, The Guardian…
