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ABC News Pays for Anthony Weiner Materials

Media Bistro's TV Newser reported that ABC News "licensed a handful of photos" from a woman who allegedly had an…


WashPost’s Shallow Disclosure of Warehouse Controversy “Failure of Mission,” Says Ombudsman

Washington Post ombudsman Patrick Pexton criticized his newspaper for not disclosing fully its relationship to a controversial Washington, D.C. waterfront…


FAIR: Anonymous Sources Criticize Anonymously Sourced Article

Progressive media watchdog website Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) criticized POLITICO for using anonymous sources in its article criticizing…


Australian Newspaper Alleges Competitor Plagiarized

The Age newspaper accused the Herald Sun of plagiarizing its June 3 report on police bugging.  According to The Age's…


Max Mosley appealing ruling against requiring newspapers’ prior notification

Former Formula 1 head Max Mosley's attorneys have appealed the European Court of Human Rights's ruling last month, Journalism.co.uk reported. The…


NYT: We Didn’t Hack E-mail for Story about SEC case against Goldman Sachs VP

Reuters' Felix Salmon, Gawker's John Cook, and attorney Maxwell Kennerly questioned the New York Times' methods for obtaining e-mails cited…


Shepard Smith at Fox News Ends Interview after Interviewee’s Conflict of Interest Revealed?

Mediaite reported that Fox News's Shepard Smith apparently ended an interview after learning that the interviewee, Symantic group president Francis…


CJR Hosts Gawker’s John Cook’s Essay Defending Source Paying

Columbia Journalism Review recently featured an essay by Gawker's John Cook questioning why journalism ethics advises against paying for sources. …


White House Sets New Policy in place of staged photos

The White House announced last month that it would review new ways to allow photojournalists to take pictures of the…


Turkish Journalist Claims Media Helped Military Coups

A Turkish journalist recently alleged that Turkish media has been complicit in military coups, Today's Zaman reported. Today's Zaman "is…
