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Reality TV not protected under Calif Journalism Shield Law

A California judge ruled that a reality TV show isn't journalism, Editor & Publisher reported. The reality show, Bait Car…


Who has better Link Ethics, Bloggers or Journalists? Reuters weighs in…

Are blogs more ethical than traditional media? In terms of attribution, Reuters' Anthony DeRosa, in his blogpost about "traditional media's…


WikiLeaks Not Redacting?

iMediaEthics reported yesterday about the latest group of files to be leaked from WikiLeaks -- the Guantanamo Files.  The Guardian noted…


CJR Fact-Checks PolitiFact

Columbia Journalism Review has stepped in as one of the latest to fact check the fact checkers at PolitiFact.  A…


Communications Professor: Fewer Anonymous Sources, More Transparency Good

A St. Louis communications professor advocates journalists don't use anonymous sources, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. According to the St.…


WikiLeaks Starts Leaking Gitmo Files, 97% of Cablegate Remains Unpublished?

WikiLeaks' has published its latest bulk leak,  this time nearly 800 secret documents out of Guantanamo Bay. As with past…


NYT Hoaxed by Onion’s Story about Barack Obama on Tiger Beat Cover

The New York Times corrected its April 17 article on teen magazine Tiger Beat's clean image after being hoaxed by a doctored image…


Does UK’s The People’s Cover Image of Prince William Mislead?

UK's The People newspaper published an 8-year-old picture of Prince William partying with headline "So how was the Stag Do, Wills?"…


Arthur Brisbane: Why is the New York Times often critical of competition?

Arthur Brisbane used his April 24 public editor column to comment on the Times' habit of putting down its competition…


WaPo Public Editor: WaPo Could Have Waited on Chocolate Milk Story when Mayor is Arrested

Washington D.C.'s mayor, Vincent C. Gray, and six city council members went to jail "to protest a federal budget deal…
