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Washington Post Reporter Sari Horwitz Plagiarized Arizona Republic, Suspended 3 months

Washington Post reporter Sari Horwitz has been suspended after it was revealed that two of her articles plagiarized from the…


Will Proposed UK Libel Reform Law End Libel Tourism?

A draft libel reform bill was proposed to the UK government this week, Journalism.co.uk reported. Journalism.co.uk disclosed that it "has pledged its support…


James O’Keefe’s NPR Sting: NPR Never Took $5 Million, Glenn Beck Questions Editing

After the firing of Ron Schiller and the resignation of Vivian Schiller, NPR has reiterated that it never accepted the…


Photo Editor Gives Tips on ID’ing Fake Photos of Tsunami

Since last week's earthquake and tsunami in Japan, there have been a "sickening tsunami of faked photos," the Sydney Morning Herald…


AP Sportswriter Sued After Tweet Accused NBA Ref of Cheating

After being accused of cheating in a tweet, an NBA referee has sued an Associated Press sportswriter for defamation, City…


WikiLeaks-Based Reports Cause Libel Lawsuits Filed by Indonesian Union

Two Australian newspapers and the U.S. embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia are being sued by an Indonesian union for $1 billion…


U.S. State Department Spokesperson PJ Crowley Resigns After His Bradley Manning Comments

PJ Crowley resigned from his position as a U.S. State Department spokesperson on March 13 after commenting that the treatment…


Daily Star apologizes for fake story on Amir Khan on front page

The UK Daily Star apologized for its Dec. 16 cover article about model and TV personality Katie Price and boxer…


US Federal Appeals Court Rules–Mug Shots NOT included in FOIA

A federal appeals court in Georgia agreed with a Florida district court that mug shot photos aren't included in the…


AP Is Suing & Sued For Copyright Infringement for Times Square Bombing

The Associated Press has been sued by a video production company for selling surveillance footage of the 2008 Times Square…
