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“WikiLeaks Hacktivists Declare War on the UK” after arrests

The hacktivists group "Anonymous" has "declared war on the British Government following the arrest of five people in the UK,"…


Was Nurses March News Video in Pakistan About Ogling?

Adil Najam wrote for All Things Pakistan to criticize this news video (see here on YouTube) for not reporting facts about…


New York Times Updates: LED Smiles NOT Trend

The New York Times, the Guardian, the Daily Mail, the Toronto Star, and many other news outlets all reported about a…


MSNBC Rachel Maddow Hoaxed by Satire Site ChristWire.org

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was recently duped by an Internet satire website. That is, The Rachel Maddow Show reported information from…


China Govt Training Journalists about Ethics, Fake News

The Chinese Propaganda Department has required Chinese journalists to train for six months on how to “eradicate false news, improve the…


New Media Watchdog Site Media Disclaimer Center in Turkey Handles Reader Complaints, Tracks Corrections, Seeks Transparency

A new media watchdog website based in Turkey claims to work toward creating "a more transparent media," Hurriyet Daily News reported.…


Doctor Not Guilty of Sexual Assault Charges, UK Daily Mail Apologizes

The Daily Mail issued an apology to Dr. Narendra Sharma Jan. 26 for reporting that he was accused of sexual…


Daily Mail Admits Plagiarizing Airplane Article, Updates Story

The UK Daily Mail was accused of plagiarizing a New York Times article about electronic device use on planes, as…


Outed Man David Kato Murdered, Ugandan Mag Editor has “No Regrets” for Story Outing Gays

As iMediaEthics previously reported, a Ugandan court ruled that media cannot out homosexual people after Ugandan magazine The Rolling Stone (which…


Chinese Columnist CHang PingChallenged Govt. Censors, Fired

Chinese columnist Chang Ping was fired by publishing group Southern Daily Group, the New York Times reported.  Chang "challenged government…
