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Rudolph Elmer, Swiss Banker’s WikiLeaks Threat? 2,000 Off-Shore Account Doc Leaked Today

Rudolph Elmer reportedly is turning over "The offshore bank account details of 2,000 'high net worth individuals' and corporations –…


Toronto Star Readers Asked to Weigh In on Controversial Editorial Decisions

The Toronto Star's public editor Kathy English posed a series of editorial decisions to the Star's readers last week.  English asked…


Another WikiLeaks Hacktivist Jacob Appelbaum Questioned, NYT Corrects Error About $15K WikiLeaks Gift to Manning’s Defense Fund

WikiLeaks volunteer Jacob Appelbaum was again "questioned and searched" this week, ABC News reported. Appelbaum also recently tweeted some criticism…


Dallas Morning News Defends Hospital Medicare Test Fail Story

A Dallas Morning News editor responded to criticism by a local doctor, Dr. Ron Anderson, over one of the newspaper's stories. …


Daily Mail Apologizes to Lily Safra, Not Involved in Husband’s Death

The Daily Mail apologized to Lily Safra and clarified to readers that the newspaper didn't mean to "suggest" that Lily…


Do Media Regret Twitter Errors? How To Correct Tweets

News outlets typically issue corrections whenever they publish incorrect information. However, as more and more news outlets venture onto Twitter…


Committee to Protect Journalists on Vietnamese Decree

The Committee to Protect Journalists spoke out Jan. 13 against a new Vietnamese "executive decree" that goes into effect Feb.…


Righthaven Sues Web Forum Users

Copyright protection firm Righthaven has expanded its lawsuits to include individual Web commenters, the Las Vegas Sun  reported. StinkyJournalism has…


Los Angeles Times Reporter Steve Lopez Defends his Almost Interview

Los Angeles Times reporter Steve Lopez defended himself against critics of his "attempt to interview" a former city politician in…


Tunisia Journalists Protest After Censorship of Demonstrations

Tunisian journalists went on strike starting Jan. 11, after the government allegedly tried to "censor media coverage of month-long riots over…
