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Sienna Miller Sues After News of the World Phone Hacking Claims

In the latest twist of a phone-hacking scandal, actress Sienna Miller has accused News of the World of violating her…


‘Using Tweets to Interview’ : Are 140 Character Twinterviews the Future of Journalism?

Media Bistro's Fishbowl DC wondered if "Twinterviews" is the "new journalism" ? Twinterviews says it is a combination of Twitter +…


New York Times Editor Bill Keller: “I don’t regard Julian Assange as kindred spirit.”

The New York Times' executive editor Bill Keller criticized Julian Assange again, this time in a Nieman Journalism Lab talk…


TIME Person of the Year: TIME Readers Pick Julian Assange, TIME Vetoes and Picks Mark Zuckerberg

Even though readers selected Julian Assange as TIME magazine's Person of the Year, Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, "who finished 10th…


UK Press Complaints Commission to Approve Where Corrections are Placed

Effective Jan. 1, UK newspapers must pre-determine with the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) "the prominence of corrections stemming from a complaint,"…

Sydney Smith

Is Chicago Trib’s MugShots Publishing More Ethical than St. Petersburg Times?

The ethics of news organizations publishing mug shots is an issue that StinkyJournalism has written about a few times before…


Ghana Journalists trained to not identify sex crime victims

Ghana News Agency reported Dec. 14 that a government minister called on the media to "be more abreast with domestic…


500 Reader Complaints Over Richard Littlejohn’s Daily Mail Jody McIntyre Column

A Daily Mail column has provoked serious reader disapproval, The Guardian reported. As of Dec. 14, more than 500 complaints were reportedly…


HuffPost Removes Fake Aisha Story After iMediaEthics Fact Check

Abdulhadi Hairan's photo (left) of Nazia, a woman he met in 2007, shows a different injury and facial features than…


Do Leaked Fox News E-mails Show Training in Spin & Biased Reporting?

Media Matters, the progressive media watchdog website, published leaked e-mails from Fox News that suggest an editorial decision to "slant"…
