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AP’s new “Accountabilty Journalism”

Fox News reported "In the article, Obama Left with Little Time to Curb Global Warming, Associated Press (AP) Science Writer…


Black Eye for NBC: Military expert had Conflict of Interest

Professional organizations are not generally known for sticking their necks out to slam members who run foul of ethics. One…


Laugh-out-loud Fauxtography at PhotoshopDisasters

No graphic designer would intentionally leave a disembodied giant hand on a table in a magazine advertisement where a couple…


Say Cheese! Cheap, Exploitative Publishing Cashes in on Mug Shots

Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN reported that mug shots have "have a raw entertainment value. Americans seem to be titillated by…


New Low from Down Under: Send your Sex Club Photos

The Daily Telegraph in Australia has reached what is possibly a new low in its media ethics. Embedded within a…


Parent Alert! NYTimes trolled Facebook for Cindy McCain story

Cartoon depicts a NY Times sanctioned reporting method--contacting teens on Facebook-- that new guidelines only require  "prior consultation" with editors.…


Obama May Have Smoked but Photo is Fauxtograph

Barack Obama  a former smoker, admitted to sometimes lighting up a cig or two during the stressful campaign. However, the…


“China Tiger” Fauxtographer Spared Prison

Zhou Zhenglong, a farmer and now famed Chinese Fauxtographer won't be going to jail after all. Welt Online reported, "Last…


Catching Criminals with Photoshop ?

Photo and video analyst Jim Hoerricksuses Digital Forensics to identify subjects.Over the last few years, a "Fauxtography" epidemic has been…


Ann Dunwoody, 4-Star General, Photoshopped

You may remember our last story on the US military's use of Photoshop. They had given AP Photos altered an…
