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Patrick Tan says he’s lensman to stars…But industry insiders are asking: are the photos for real?

Tay Shi'an and Maureen Koh, Electric News, write:"The company website, Facebook account and business card of professional photographer, Patrick Tan,…


“Why Do We Trust Photography?”

mpdailyfix.com's Paul Barsch asks, "Every photograph is in essence altered reality to some degree (accounting for time, place and how…


Photoshop created “lie” that opposing candidate walked with George W. Bush

PolitickerNJ.com's "Chris Myers (R-Medford) slammed (NJ) state Sen. John Adler (D-Cherry Hill) today, charging that the content in mailers from…


Nicolas Sarkozy gets Lipo Photoshop & 11 Other Doctored Magazine Cover Stories:

French President Nicholas Sarkozy received a photoshop liposuction job from a graphics doctor working for French magazine Paris Match. With…


“Digital detectives discern Photoshop fakery”

Christian Science Monitor reports:" 'There are researchers working as the frontline of defense against digital fraud,' according to Cynthia Baron,…


Cutting Out the Middle Man?

American Madness's Grant Catton writes:"By sending text messages with the information directly to the public, the Obama team effectively cut-out…


Students’ photos altered in yearbook

Dallas News' Karin Shaw Anderson writes:"Imagine posing for a yearbook photo and ending up with someone else's body...Yearbook photos for…


Photoshop of Horrors: Rumer Willis Fake Photo

Jezebel writes:"In case you don't recognize the victim of this tragic balloon accident, it's Rumer Willis...But don't worry, we found…


Team behind the real Olympic fireworks speaks out

Popular Mechanics' S.E. Kramer writes: "One person who certainly didn't know about the CGI mix-in was M. Philip Butler, a…

Sydney Smith

Seeing is rarely believing nowadays– why then, the uproar over Olympic games fakery?

" We live in a deeply cynical culture," said Alison Hearn, a professor in the faculty of information and media…

Sydney Smith