Lawsuit Against Greg Mortenson Dropped - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: CBS News, YouTube, screenshot)

Illinois former teacher Deborah Netter is no longer suing Greg Mortenson, Sky News reported.

Netter’s lawsuit was against Mortenson, co-author David Relin and publisher Penguin Group came as a result of the 60 Minutes expose that “alleged Mortenson lied about events in the best-selling book,” Three Cups of Tea.  Her lawsuit was “over claims that she bought the book based on her belief that it contained the truth as to how Mortenson became involved in building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan,” according to Sky News.

With Netter’s lawsuit out, there is only “one legal claim” against Mortenson over the book, filed by Michele Reinhart and Dan Donovan, Sky News reported.

See iMediaEthics’ reports on the accusations against Mortenson and Three Cups of Tea here.


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Lawsuit Against Greg Mortenson Dropped

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