Little Green Footballs (LGF) on Iran's previous 2007 Fauxtography scam

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Dar ul Harb has a Flash animation showing how it was done. Original photo, courtesy of EC Marm.

From 2007 Little Green Footballs post:

“LGF readers tipped me off to a blatant Photoshop fraud at Iran’s Fars News Agency, in an article claiming to have discovered US weapons in Iran: Terrorists Use US-Gifted Arsenals. (Beware. The Fars News site resizes your browser window without asking, and may attempt other more sneaky things.) ..A close look (actually, you don’t have to look that closely) shows that many elements of this picture are cloned over and over. LGF reader Dar ul Harb has a Flash animation showing how it was done…

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Little Green Footballs (LGF) on Iran’s previous 2007 Fauxtography scam

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