Louisiana TV Reporter Worked for Political Campaign?

A local TV news reporter quit his second job working for political campaign after the news station learned of his outside employment, the ind.com reported.

According to the ind.com, Chris Welty is a part-time reporter for Lafayette, Louisiana TV News station KATC-3 and was paid nearly $2,000 by Gov. Bobby Jindal’s 2011 re-election campaign.

CBS-affiliate TV 10 KLFY reported that the State Ethics Administration’s website disclosed Welty’s political employment.  According to KLFY, Jindal’s campaign paid Welty “almost $2,000.”

While Welty “declined comment” to the Ind, the station’s general manager and president, Andrew Shenkan reportedly told ind.com that Welty no longer has a “relationship” with the campaign.

“We have a very strict policy on potential conflicts of interest, particularly with our information gathering employees. We dealt with it appropriately as established by our policies. There is no relationship that I’m aware of at the present time.”

According to ind.com, Welty “also worked for Jindal’s first election in 2007 while still in high school.”  The ind.com pointed to this Dec. 2010 story by Welty that reports on a book signing by Jindal.

StinkyJournalism has written to Welty and KATC for more information and comment and will update with any response.

Hat Tip: Robert Buckman