Lulz Boat Member Interview–Explains Hacking of PBS Website & Posting Fake Story

Forbes’ Parmy Olson posted an interview with member of Lulz Boat, the group of hackers that claimed responsibility in hacking PBS’s website last weekend.  In the interview, the Lulz Boat member, “Whirlpool,” reportedly explained the hacking was for “lulz [amusement] and justice.”

The hacking group Lulz Boat posted on PBS’s website a fake story about Tupac Shakur, the rapper killed in 1996, being seen alive in New Zealand as well as passwords and log on information. Read StinkyJournalism’s story about the hack here.

“Whirlpool” is quoted as telling Olson in an instant message chat that “While our main goal is to spread entertainment, we do greatly wish that Bradley Manning hears about this, and at least smiles.”

Forbes’ Olson added that Lulz Boat “also defaced the official PBS statement” about being hacked — therefore, Lulz Boat hacked PBS’s admission of being hacked.

Read more of the interview here on PBS’s website.