
Poynter Online 

Statistics Summary for poynteronline.org

Poynteronline.org is ranked #193,553 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings, and the site is based in the US. This site has been online for at least ten years. ... Show More

Alexa Traffic Rank Reputation
Global 193,553
Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A rough estimate of poynteronline.org's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to poynteronline.org and pageviews on poynteronline.org over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1. Learn more.

Updated Daily
Russia Flag 9,982
Rank in RU Traffic Rank in Country
A rough estimate of poynteronline.org's popularity in a specific country.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to poynteronline.org and pageviews on poynteronline.org from users from that country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily
Sites Linking In Sites Linking In
A measure of poynteronline.org's reputation.

The number of links to poynteronline.org from sites visited by users in the Alexa traffic panel. Links that were not seen by users in the Alexa traffic panel are not counted. Multiple links from the same site are only counted once.

Updated Monthly
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  Reach % Change
1 month 0.00061% -3% Change in Reach % over the trailing 1 month period
3 month 0.00062% +4% Change in Reach % over the trailing 3 month period
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Average Load Time for Poynteronline.org

Average (1.723 Seconds), 51% of sites are faster.

Poynteronline.org’s Regional Traffic Ranks



Where Visitors Go on Poynteronline.org


Percent of Visitors



Audience Snapshot

Top Search Queries for Poynteronline.org

Based on internet averages, poynteronline.org is visited more frequently by males who are in the age range 35-44, have children, are graduate school educated and browse this site from home.
Get complete site demographics.
Query Percent of Search Traffic
1 eclipse ide windows phone 25.78%
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5 poynter wikipedia 4.54%
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7 poynter.org/ 2.58%


Search Traffic

The percentage of site visits from search engines.

Period Percent of Site Traffic
Last 30 days -
Last 7 days 0%
Yesterday -
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Search Traffic on the Rise and Decline

The top queries from search engines driving relatively more/less traffic to poynteronline.org in the current month than the previous month. Updated monthly.

Search Query 1 Month Increase The change in percentage of search traffic to poynteronline.org for each query.
1 take switching then pay through self checkout at walmart zoklet 6.78%
2 eclipse ide windows phone 6.38%
3 rewrite articles online 2.12%
4 windows 8 smartphones 1.74%
5 how to rewrite articles 1.46%
6 poynter wikipedia 1.19%
7 then pay through self checkout at walmart zoklet 1.03%
8 gp viagra 0.92%
9 durov paul 0.84%
Search Query 1 Month Decline The change in percentage of search traffic to poynteronline.org for each query.
1 poynter 19.34%
2 poytner 1.49%
3 google music 1.08%
4 pointer journalist 0.48%
5 ip: 0.30%
6 google music offline 0.04%

Search Advertising Metrics Highlights

Data provided by iSpionage. Visit iSpionage to discover additional information metrics for poynteronline.org.

Last Month Stats (Estimated)
PPC Budget
Last Month Clicks
Avg. Ad Position
Google PPC Keywords
Yahoo PPC Keywords

High Impact Search Queries for poynteronline.org

Popular queries that are relevant to this site and are actively targeted by competitors advertising on search engines. Click on queries below to discover who is advertising for these queries.

Query Query
A phrase that drives traffic to “poynteronline.org” from search engines. This list also includes sub-phrases that account for a high percentage of this site's search traffic broken out separately. For example, if the site receives traffic for 'buy diamond ring', 'diamond necklace', and 'diamond bracelet', the word 'diamond' might also appear in the list.
Impact Factor Impact Factor
A high value indicates that “poynteronline.org” is getting significant organic search traffic for queries containing these phrases, despite high advertising competition for these phrases.

Impact Factor is a combined measurement of the importance of a particular phrase to the site's search traffic and the level of search engine advertising competition (QCI). The index is on a scale of 0 to 100.

Updated Monthly
Query Popularity Query Popularity
An estimate of how frequently users search for these keywords, on a scale from 0 to 100. Higher numbers indicate higher frequencies.

Updated Monthly
QCI The Query Competition Index
QCI indicates the typical number of ads displayed for keyword searches on major search engines. A large number of ads indicates strong advertising competition for a query. The index is on a scale from 0 to 100.

Updated Monthly
rewrite articles online 14.02 8 23
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eclipse 0.14 60 17
switching 0.11 23 21
games for 0.10 18 23
article 0.09 46 21
pci 3.0 0.08 15 13
nvidia kepler 0.06 42 10

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Activity by poynteronline.org

Ads for poynteronline.org have appeared on major search engines when people performed the queries below. Click on the queries below to discover more information.

No data available for poynteronline.org


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Opportunities for poynteronline.org

Queries that provide opportunities for this site to advertise through Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to get more traffic. They are popular queries that are relevant to the site, and have low competition in search engine marketing. Learn More Many sites are actively advertising in search engines for the most valuable search queries. This high level of competition tends to result in high advertising costs, which makes it difficult to find attractive advertising opportunities. These opportunities may still exist, however, by looking at the "long tail". The long tail contains search queries with lower Query Popularity, but such queries also tend to have lower QCI. By advertising for many of these queries, sites may still be able to manage an effective search engine marketing campaign. Note that not all queries on the long tail may be very relevant to this site, but this list may contain a number of strong advertising candidates.

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Audience Demographics for Poynteronline.org

Relative to the general internet population how popular is poynteronline.org with each audience below?


Relative to the general internet population, 18-24 year olds are greatly under-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Relative to the general internet population, 25-34 year olds are over-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Relative to the general internet population, 35-44 year olds are over-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low

Relative to the general internet population, people who went to college are under-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Graduate School
Relative to the general internet population, people who went to graduate school are greatly over-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low

Relative to the general internet population, Males are greatly over-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Relative to the general internet population, Females are greatly under-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Has Children

Relative to the general internet population, people with children are over-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Relative to the general internet population, people without children are under-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Browsing Location

Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from home are over-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low
Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from work are under-represented at poynteronline.org.

Confidence: low

Advanced Demographics for poynteronline.org

Audience breakdown by income, ethnicity, age, education, gender, children and browsing location.

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Visitors by Country for Poynteronline.org


Percent of Visitors

Russia Flag  Russia


Ukraine Flag  Ukraine


The Poynter Institute for Media Studies
801 Third St S
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
larry [at] poynter.org


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High Impact Search Queries for Poynteronline.org

Query Impact
1 rewrite articles online High
2 windows phone High
3 rewrite articles High
4 how to rewrite articles Medium
5 tools for writers Medium
6 russian online Medium
7 dotcom-monitor.com Low

Top Search Queries for Poynteronline.org

Query Percent of Search Traffic
1 eclipse ide windows phone 25.78%
2 poynter 12.13%
3 rewrite articles online 8.10%
4 take switching then pay through self checkout at walmart zoklet 6.78%
5 poynter wikipedia 4.54%
6 study russian online 2.93%
7 poynter.org/ 2.58%

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