N.C. Court Dismisses Libel Lawsuit Against Indian TV News for Reporting 'Rumors,' Says No Jurisdiction - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Courthouse News Service, screenshot)

A North Carolina court dismissed a $12 million libel lawsuit against Indian TV networks Sun TV Network, CNN-IBN, New Delhi Television and Star India Private, Courthouse News Service reported.

The suit was filed after the networks reported what Indian-born, U.S. resident Christy Danius calls a rumor about a car accident.

In 2007, he, his wife Smalin Jenita, and both their families were in a car accident that put his “then-pregnant”  wife into a coma.  However, the Indian media reported that the family of his wife claimed “Danius and his family” forced Jenita out of the car “over a dowry dispute,” according to Courthouse News Service.

For example, DNA India reported in 2008 the claims that Danius “pushes pregnant wife out of moving car” and alleged Danius had an “affair with his mother.” That information is attributed to Jenita’s father Sebastian Antonysamy.

Danius’ sister, Leema Pillai, who also is listed on the lawsuit against the networks, claims she was fired from her job as a result of the story.

The case was ultimately dismissed because of jurisdiction reasons. Read more here.


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N.C. Court Dismisses Libel Lawsuit Against Indian TV News for Reporting ‘Rumors,’ Says No Jurisdiction

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