NAACP Criticizes CNN for 'Lack of Diversity' - iMediaEthics

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The NAACP has criticized CNN for its “lack of diversity” in its new prime-time news schedule, the Wall Street Journal reported.

“The NAACP is deeply concerned with the lack of African American journalists in prime time news, both on cable and national news shows.  We have come to expect this from the likes of Fox News, but not other networks. While we understand that news is now a 24-hour cycle, most Americans get their news from the morning and evening prime time broadcasts.”

Eliot Spitzer’s show was axed in the new line-up. The New York Times’ report on the new line-up noted that Spitzer “has tried to rehabilitate his public image since resigning the New York governorship in disgrace three years ago,” and his show’s “cancellation was a setback that caused a new round of ridicule by comics and online commenters.” iMediaEthics is writing Spitzer for comment.


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NAACP Criticizes CNN for ‘Lack of Diversity’

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