National Review Corrects, Apologizes,Unpublished Incorrect Plagiarism Story

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(Credit: National Review , screenshot)

National Review apologized, corrected and unpublished a story accusing Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren of plagiarism, the Huffington Post reported.

National Review’s original article, “Plagiarism in Elizabeth Warren’s 2006 Book” accused Warren’s book All Your Worth of “plagiarizing from the book Getting on the Money Track,” but it was “the other way around,” according to the correction.

The May 18 correction, which is published in place of the original report, reads:

“I took down my earlier post on Elizabeth Warren plagiarizing from the book Getting On the Money Track.  On, the Warren book All Your Worth is listed as having been published January 9, 2006. As it turns out, that is the paperback publication date; the hardback book was published in March 2005. As such, it appears that Getting on the Money Track (published in October 2005) plagiarized from All Your Worth, not the other way around.”

According to the Huffington Post, the original story was “quickly debunked” by Salon.  Salon’s Alex Pareene’s report, “The National Review’s fake plagiarism scoop,” reported that while “it’s plagiarism all right…it seems like Black most likely plagiarized Warren.’

Pareene told Politicker that he spotted the error with “literally a few seconds of Googling.”

Media Matters reported that Fox News and both reported on the National Review charges.

According to Media Matters, Breitbart “corrected its post, replacing the original content with an editor’s note and the text of Trinko’s correction.”

We have written to Warren for comment and will update with any response.  We have also written to Fox News asking if it will correct and to National Review for more information.  (The website contact for Getting on the Money Track, the other book listed in National Review’s report provided a “Could not connect.”)

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National Review Corrects, Apologizes, Unpublishes Incorrect Plagiarism Story

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