Nat’l Journal dumps comments section after ‘worst kind of abusive, racist, and sexist name-calling imaginable’

The National Journal is getting rid of most of its online comments section because it has been filled with “the worst kind of abusive, racist, and sexist name-calling imaginable.”

National Journal‘s editor-in-chief Tim Grieve announced the decision in a May 16 post,  explaining that there was no civil discussion on topics and it was getting worse.

“The debate isn’t joined. It’s cheapened, it’s debased, and, as National Journal‘s Brian Resnick has written, research suggests that the experience leaves readers feeling more polarized and less willing to listen to opposing views,” Grieve wrote.

As an alternative to commenting on articles, Grieve wrote that readers can tweet or e-mail reporters or send in letters to the editor.  And, occasionally, the National Journal will allow comments on certain articles. Grieve explained:

“From time to time, we’ll open the comment sections on specific stories—stories that are likely to provoke reasoned debate, or stories where the unique perspectives and ideas and suggestions of individual readers can add immeasurably to our journalism.”

Also, readers who are subscribers to the Journal can continue to comment on stories.

Hat Tip: Mediaite