New Chair for Australian Press Council: 'Ensure ... Confidence in Council' - iMediaEthics

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Illustration by London Allen

Australian print media regulator The Australian Press Council has a new chairman, David Weisbrot, who will serve in that position for three years. The previous chair, Julian Disney, was chair for five years.

“We will continually need to monitor the Council’s standards and processes to ensure that they are well-adapted for emerging and converging information and communications technology,” Weisbrot said in a press release statement sent to iMediaEthics by the council. “And we will need to ensure the community’s continued confidence in the Council, as this is a key factor in upholding high standards and accountability in the media, which critically underpin the current system of self-regulation.”

Weisbrot also commented that he expects future challenges for the council to “include preserving the independence and freedom of the press.”

“In recent years, the Council has taken great steps to modernise its principles, standards and procedures; expand its reach to cover the leading digital-only publishers; and recruit outstanding members and staff,” Weisbrot said in the press release.

Weisbrot is an Emeritus Professor of Law and Honorary Professor of Medicine at the University of Sydney as well as a Member of the Order of Australia, according to the press release. His bio is here.

The press council pointed iMediaEthics to Weisbrot’s comments in the press release.

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New Chair for Australian Press Council: ‘Ensure … Confidence in Council’

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