News Outlets Corrections over Bombs Sent to Politicians, CNN - iMediaEthics

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The Associated Press deleted tweets about the explosive devices sent to former president Bill Clinton and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

In an Oct. 24 tweet, the AP flagged that deletion and explained the correction. “We’ve deleted two tweets from earlier today saying that an explosive device had been found at Hillary and Bill Clinton’s home,” the AP wrote. “The source who provided the information was incorrect. In fact, the device was intercepted at a nearby facility.”

Axios made a similar error in reporting that a bomb was sent to former president Barack Obama and Michelle Obama’s house, when it was sent to Obama’s office. Axios’s correction reads:

“Correction: A previous version of this article stated that a bomb was sent to the home of Barack and Michelle Obama. It has been updated to reflect that the bomb was sent to Barack Obama’s office in Washington, D.C., not his home.

There were other corrections in reporting on the packages, including the Huffington Post’s correction  on a story about ABC The View hosts’ commentary on the news. That correction reads:

“CORRECTION: A previous version of this story misattributed a quote from Sunny Hostin to Joy Behar.

The Associated Press corrected its story which originally reported that former CIA director John Brennan contributes to CNN and Democratic Rep. Wasserman Schultz didn’t attend a campaign event.

The corrections read:

“This story has been corrected to show that Brennan is not a CNN contributor but appears on other broadcast and cable outlets.

“This story has been corrected to show that Wasserman Schultz did not attend campaign event as expected.”

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News Outlets Corrections over Bombs Sent to Politicians, CNN

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